Adjusting Product Commissions

Methods for adjusting your product commissions.

Updating individual product commissions from the product detail page

Click on an individual product to go to that product’s detail page. From there, click the green commission percentage to adjust the commission

Bulk updating product commissions from the product list:

Click “Products” in the side-bar navigation menu to reach the “Your Products” list. From here you can multi-select products that you’d like to update commissions for. If you would like to see more products per page, scroll down to the bottom right and you can view up to 50 products per page. After you’ve made your selections, click “Actions” on the upper left side of the table and select “Update Public Commissions” to update your product commissions in bulk.

Adding a private commission for an individual Creator

You may work out a deal with a particular creator where they earn a custom commission rate. We refer to these custom affiliate commissions as “Private Commissions”.

From the Your Products page, you can multi-select products that you’d like to set private commissions for. After you’ve made your selections, click “Actions” on the upper left side of the table and select “Set Private Commission” to open up the private commission widget. From here, select the Creator that you’d like to offer a private commission to, set the commissions, and click “Save”.

You can view Private Commissions you have set on an individual Creator’s detail page or you can view all Private Commissions by clicking Active Creators in the navigation menu, and scrolling down to Private Commissions