Contacting Brands

You can contact brands you’ve partnered with by heading into Partnerships → My Brands. You should see options to send them an in-app message or email them. You can use either of these communication channels to contact your Brand partner and ask questions surrounding promotional strategies, product samples, commissions, etc.

Using Affiliate Links 

Create a New Product Link

Keep in mind, you must be approved by the associated brand to access affiliate links for their products.

To generate a new product link, head into My Products, select a product, and scroll down to Create Link.

This will generate a unique Mobile Optimized (AKA Deep Links) affiliate link for this product by default. Mobile optimized links ensure the Amazon app is opened by mobile users upon click - leading to better attribution.

You can also create a link with Advanced Options if you’d like - see below section.

Create a New Storefront Page Link

Navigate to: > My Links > Storefront Select the brand that you want to create a Storefront tracking link for or click on "Discover Brands" if you don't have any set-up yet. From the brand's profile page you can create a tracking link to a Storefront page. When you generate a Storefront link, you have a few options:

  • Choose which Storefront you want to create the link for. The preview button opens up the Amazon Storefront link in a new window so you can check it’s the right page.
  • "Mobile Optimized Links" and "Specific Tracking Tags" work as they do for product links.

You’ll be redirected to your list of Storefront links. From here you have options to view a link's performance, edit a link or delete a link.

Create Link with Source

If you’d like to get more granular with your links, and track performance of a product across multiple promotional methods, you can click the “Advanced Options” dropdown when creating a new link, and select “New Source”. Sources enable you to distinguish between multiple promotional methods.

  • Primary ID: this is the primary back-end identifier for the source, this can be a randomized code (i.e. 93eptr4u) or something more descriptive (i.e. juneFB). It’s up to you!
  • Display Name: this will be the link name that will appear within the app, it’s recommended to be descriptive here (i.e. June Facebook Campaign)
  • Sub ID: If you’d like to get even more granular with your link sources you can set a Sub ID. A good example of this use case would be tracking performance of a particular Creative (i.e. story1).
  • Link

From there you can grab your new link

Using other tags

You can use our tracking parameters in addition to other Amazon tracking tags. To do this, you have a couple of options:

  • Set Default tag: head into Team Settings, to set your Default tag. After setting the Default tag, all new links in Levanta will have these tags included by Default
  • Use Specific tag: If you want to override your default tag for a specific link, click Create a new link section to use a custom tag

Link Anatomy

By default, a Levanta link includes a mobile-deeplinking service and will look like this: By unchecking the mobile deeplink option, your Levanta link will be a raw Amazon link.

Find Existing Links

To find your existing affiliate links, head into My Links. Here you can quickly grab your active affiliate links.

To quickly grab an affiliate link, click the “copy” button. You will be given two options:

  • Copy Tag - use Copy Tag if you would like to append the Levanta attribution parameters to an existing Amazon link
  • Copy URL - use Copy URL if you would like the full affiliate link that is ready to publish

Publishing your Affiliate Link

Once you have your link ready-to-publish, simply use it like an Amazon Associates link or a traditional affiliate link in your content. You’ll begin seeing traffic in Levanta after the first 10 clicks are recorded and you’ll begin seeing conversions after the first sale. Keep in mind that Amazon Attribution data has a 24 hour delay, and thus it may take up to 24 hours for conversions/traffic to be displayed in Levanta.