Find Products to Promote

To get started, navigate to the “Products” module in the navigation bar. From here, there’s a number of ways to explore Levanta’s product catalog to find great revenue-generating opportunities:


Search is a powerful tool for quickly finding products you’re looking for, trying searching by:

  • ASIN
  • Brand
  • Keyword
  • Product Category
  • Product Name
  • Global Marketplace


Filtering is a great way to narrow in on products that meet your needs. Try filtering products by:

  • Brand: Only see products from a particular brand
  • Category: Only see products from a particular category
  • Commission Min/Max: Only see products within a particular commission range
  • Availability: Only see products that are In-Stock (this is set to In-Stock by default)
  • Access: Only see products that you’ve been approved to promote by the brand. To gain access to a product, simply apply to a brand and await approval from their team.


Use sorting to re-order displayed products. Try sorting products by:

  • Best Sellers (high-to-low / low-to-high)
  • Commission (high-to-low / low-to-high)
  • Product Name / Title (A-Z / Z-A)
  • Product Price (high-to-low / low-to-high)
  • Newest / Date Added (most recent / least recent)

After finding a product that interests you, click into its product detail page. Here you can:

  • Apply to Promote - simply click “Send Application” in the top right
  • View Product Details - such as ASIN, Brand, Commission, Price, Category, Best Seller Rank, Availability
  • View Amazon Detail Page - on the left side of the page, above the product image, click “Amazon Detail Page” to be externally linked to the Amazon product page
  • Marketplace - identify what marketplace the product is active in


You can view Deals by heading into the Product Catalog, and selecting “Browse Deals”.

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You can also filter the product catalog by Deals:

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To promote a Deal, simply apply to a brand’s program as normal, and Create a Link for the product with the active or upcoming deal!