Getting started with Creators

A guide to collaborating with Creators on the Levanta platform.

Inviting Marketplace Creators

You can explore the Creator Marketplace by navigating to “Discover Creators” and reviewing the Creators that are already active on Levanta. Featured creators will be at the listed at the top of the marketplace. At the top of the marketplace we will see our Featured creators. These are our top creators on the platform. As you scroll down you can these creators brown down into different categories. You have recommended creators, publications, deal sites and many more categories.

If you would like to see all creators in the marketplace you will have to navigate to “See More”. You’ll have the ability to switch your view of creators in different global marketplaces in the top right hand section. Here you will have the ability to filter creators by specific product categories, promotional methods, or wether they are featured or recommended. If you are looking for influencers you can even filter by minimum and maximum number of followers on their social channels.

You can send them invites to creators by clicking the “Green Invite” button on the right side or by clicking on the creator profile. We recommend sending a message with your invite for a personalized touch.

Keep in mind that the Creator marketplace is a great way to get some quick affiliate recruitment wins, but the best affiliate programs engage in affiliate recruitment outside of the platform.

Recruiting External Creators

Check out our Affiliate Recruitment eBook!

It’s an affiliate marketing best practice to engage in affiliate recruitment. Affiliate marketing is highly dependent on relationship-building and it’s rare to attract revenue-generating affiliates without a dedicated effort around recruitment.

The good news is Levanta makes it easy for external affiliates to sign up for your affiliate program:

  • If you are on a Levanta Gold plan, you have access to Branded Creator Sign Up Pages (see below).
  • If you are on a Standard plan, you should send recruited affiliates to the standard Levanta sign up page. They will fill out a basic Creator application and await approval by the Levanta Creator team. After they are approved by Levanta’s Creator team, they can apply to your brand’s program.

Recruitment Email Template

See below for a template you can use for partner recruitment! Feel free to copy and paste it into your email marketing tool.

Howdy  [Name],

I wanted to give you a shout and introduce you to the {Company Name} Partner Program.

Benefits of the partnership:

  • Free products to {product benefit 1, product benefit 2, and product benefit 3}
  • {Rate}% commission paid out on every sales you generate
  • Option for paid placements or hybrid partnerships (flat payment + commission)
  • Access to a variety of marketing materials, including banners, social media graphics, and product images, to help promote our products.

If you are interested in this, feel free to sign up here: {Affiliate Program Sign Up Link}

With our new Amazon affiliate platform, Levanta, we are able to track how many sales you generate for our Amazon Products and pay the extra commission listed above (in addition to whatever you receive from Amazon).

More about us: {short, exciting description of company}

Thank you for your time and consideration. We look forward to the possibility of working with you!


Adding personal hooks to partner recruitment emails are also highly recommended for increasing open and conversion rates!

Branded Creator Sign Up Page

The Branded Creator Sign Up page is a powerful tool for recruiting Creators to your affiliate program. Prospective affiliates will see your brand’s logo on the sign up page, and upon sign up will be sent directly to your brand’s affiliate program. Creators that apply via a Branded Creator Sign Up page will be automatically applied to your program for approval, and will not have to wait for Levanta’s Creator team approval.

To access your Branded Creator Sign Up Pages, first ensure you’ve upgraded to a Levanta Gold subscription plan, then navigate to the “Partnerships” page and click the “Branded Creator Sign Up Page” button in the top right. From here, select a Brand and click “See Sign Up Page” to grab your direct sign up page link.

We recommend linking to your Branded Creator Sign Up page across all of your partner recruitment efforts, including:

  • Outbound affiliate recruitment emails
  • On your social media accounts
  • On your website, via a link on your Footer and/or your dedicated affiliate program web page

Creator Getting Started Guide

Here’s a guide you can send to Creators to help them understand Levanta and get started on the platform.


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Download Creator Guide 

Reviewing Creator Applications

After you’ve activated brands and products to be listed on the Marketplace for Creators, you’ll begin receiving Creator Applications. Navigate to “Partnerships” in the navigation menu and clicking “Pending” to review pending Creator applications. If you haven’t received any Creator Applications, try adjusting your commissions, updating your brand details, engaging in outbound partner recruitment, or working with a partner recruitment agency like Grovia.

When taking a look at Creator applications, be sure to:

  • Review their bio, audience region, and promotional methods
  • Review their website and/or social handles and confirm that their website matches their promotional methods

If you like what you see, go ahead and approve them to promote your brand. Keep in mind, once you’ve approved a Creator, they will be able to start promoting and accruing commissions.


Contacting Accepted Creators 

  • To contact Creators, simply head to the “Active Creators” page, and to the right you can either choose to send them an in-app message or send them an email. If you click on a Creator, it will take you to their Creator Detail Page, where you see more information, send a message, or view their email address.
  • To export all of your Creators, head to your “Partnerships” page, and in the top right hand corner, select “Export Active Partnerships”. This will download a CSV of all of your Active Creators along with their email addresses.

In-App Messaging

Levanta supports in-app messaging between Sellers/Brands and Creators, allowing users to communicate with one another in real-time, share products, attach media kits, and more. Before getting started, be sure to review your In-App Messaging settings:

Choose whether you send messages from an individual Brand persona or aggregated Seller persona

If you have many brands under a single account on Levanta, you’ll need to decide if you want to message Creators from the perspective of individual brands or from the aggregated seller level. You can toggle this setting by going to Team Settings, scrolling to the bottom of the page, and toggling between Brand and Seller. Be thoughtful with this setting, we do not recommend toggling between different personas frequently, you will lose message history when switching from Seller view to Brand view.


  • Brand View: This setting will allow you to communicate with Creators on an individual brand level. That is, you will have individual threads with each Creator for each of your Brands. Only your Brand name will be displayed to the Creator.
  • Seller View: This setting will allow you to communicate with Creators on an aggregated seller level. That is, you will have one single thread with each Creator, for each of your brands. Your Levanta Team name (at the Seller level) will be displayed to the Creator.


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Bulk Messaging (Newsletters)

Levanta supports sending a bulk message to all (or a subset) of your Creators. This functionality operates similar to a newsletter. To send a bulk message, simply head into Messaging, and click the green pencil icon to open up the contact dropdown. From here, simply select the first item on the list “Send Bulk Message”:

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This will open the Bulk Messaging window, where you have a number of options:

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We recommend sharing deals, promotions, new products, media, etc. It’s always recommended to keep your affiliate engaged on a frequent basis!


Tips for Activating Creators

  1. Review affiliate applications every day: Approving affiliates quickly is important as it increases the likelihood of fast revenue generation. When a blogger or content creator applies to your program, they may have an immediate desire to promote your products. By approving them quickly, you can ensure they're more likely to choose your program over others they may have applied for.
  2. Send an actionable welcome letter: When an affiliate is accepted into your program, you should send them a welcome letter that's customized and provides them with the necessary tools to get started. This can include your media kit, a list of your top-selling products, and some example content coded with sample affiliate links. Additionally, include program details such as commission rates, attribution window (14 days on Levanta), and direct contact information (which is also viewable by Creators on your brand detail page). You can do all of this via Levanta’s in-app messaging.
  3. Launch an activation campaign: You can engage affiliates quickly through an activation campaign that offers them incentives to promote your products. For example, you might offer a double commission for the first 30 days, or a bonus on their first or second sale. Depending on the type of affiliate, you can target these campaigns to specific segments, such as content or deal affiliates. With Levanta, you can provide custom private commissions on a per affiliate basis.
  4. Establish a communication schedule: It's essential to establish a consistent communication schedule with your affiliates. Sending out bulk messages (newsletters) regularly that include information about deals and promotions, new products or trends, and case studies of successful affiliates can keep your program in front of your affiliates and encourage them to share it with their audience.
  5. Build personal rapport: Building a personal relationship with your affiliates is crucial in affiliate marketing as it's a relationship-driven channel. By reaching out to your affiliates personally and showing interest in their site or blog, you can establish a rapport with them that can help you build a more meaningful and productive partnership. Attend industry conferences and set up one-on-one meetings with key affiliates to get to know them better.