1. Knowledge Base
  2. Levanta API Documentation

More Details on the Seller API

The Levanta API enables a wide range of use cases and unlocks the ability to programmatically implement Levanta affiliate links across content, enabling Creators to scale out direct partnerships with Amazon sellers.


To gain access to the Levanta Seller API you must have completed the following steps:

  1. Gained access to a seller account by either:
    1. Creating a seller account at app.levanta.io/auth/sign-up
    2. Being invited to a seller account by a team member
  2. Gained API access by generating an API key at /seller/settings/api
    • Must be signed into an admin account to be able to do this
    • Simply click the green “Generate API Key” button


Access Swagger documentation where you can test out the endpoints here.


All requests to the Seller API must be made with an API key. You can check if you have an API key here when logged into an account with admin permissions.

All requests made to https://app.levanta.io/api/seller/v1 should be made with the Authorization header set to “Bearer <API-Key>”


All of our paginated endpoints use cursor-based pagination and accept a parameter named “cursor”. The first call to the endpoint can omit “cursor”. Every call to an endpoint will return “cursor” in its JSON response which should be passed as the value for “cursor” in the next call. If there are no more items to paginate through cursor will be returned as null.

Endpoint Documentation







